
Sunday 26 August 2012

Sunday Summary: August 26th, 2012

01. The good feeling you get when you over-prepare for something and then find out that the requirements are much less than you imagined. Spent the good first part of the week stressing about this presentation I had to give to my tutor, but it ended up going for approximately five minutes and she did most of the talking! Ancient history is so fascinating, but I must say, I find it so difficult to write essays about it.

02. Visiting the travel agency this week sucked another $481 dollars out of my sorry-looking bank account. I'm starting to get pretty excited though! So much organisation to do, and I still have to book accommodation for one city, but USA, here I come!

03. My friend from work is in a band called The Latonas, and a few of us went to their single launch last night. After a LOT of driving and going the wrong way down a one way road (disaster), we got into the venue and I ended up having a pretty awesome night. Their music is exactly the kind I'm into, and I'm not even being biased!

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