
Monday 9 December 2013

Regular Dosage: Rain rain, go away


I spent the last few days away in Phillip Island with a group of teenagers from my church. We enjoyed the time immensely, three study sessions of Hebrews 12, plus ample free time to spend at the beach, fishing, playing card and board games, mini golf, cooking and (my personal favourite past time) playing music. A few guitars and an electric drum-kit and some pretty creative and amusing individuals made for some interesting improvised lyrics. It's just too bad that the weekend always ends so suddenly. Back to reality and back to work! 

The weather in Melbourne has been shocking. It's the second week of summer, but you'd never guess it, considering the non-stop rain we've had today. I actually wore a coat and scarf. I should be wearing shorts and singlets now! I'm also considering bringing my heater back out of storage. Boo!

Happy Monday! 

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