
Monday 13 January 2014

Regular Dosage: Hello 2014!

And we're already two weeks in! Crazy. Two weeks into the new year means two weeks closer to getting back to uni, and that makes me cry tears of sorrow and joy. Sorrow because assignments and exams and hello again to late nights reading pointless essays and joy because it's my final, FINAL year of uni! Soon my fifth year will be done and dusted, and I can't wait. I'm planning on finding a full-time or another part-time job this year while I'm studying this year, as most of my classes are night classes and I really need to start saving some dollars. My part-time job at the moment is sufficient, but I think I could really use some experience before I start teaching next year. The bonus is that I already have a Bachelor's degree under my belt as qualification so hopefully I'll be able to find something good, and not too crappy (sick of retail so much).

I have several goals for this year. Some academic, some personal, but all of which I am going to try my hardest to achieve.

1. Find a part-time or full-time job.
2. Strive to complete uni work a few days before each due date to prevent stress and anxiety attacks.
3. TRY and attend all lectures.
4. Find a volunteer job during the holidays (community centre, museum programs, charity work)
5. Lose weight! Keep fit and eat healthier every day. Less chocolate. (That broke my heart to type).
6. BE HAPPY and BE POSITIVE! (Something I've always struggled with).
7. Read more of the unread books on my every growing bookshelf.
8. Save and earn more money. This includes spending less on outings, food, clothing and makeup, transport, phone bills etc.
9. Create better and stronger connections with various groups of friends. (Youth group, younger kids and the leaders too, high school friends, uni friends, work friends, family, boyfriend).
10. Finally - blog more often! I always have a heap to write, but I really wish there was a better Blogger app maybe more similar to the Tumblr app, which is incredibly easy to navigate... Excuses 101!

So here we go 2014! I already started the day with an hour long, 5.65km walk and a healthy lunch, and then lounged around reading in this 31 degree weather so I'm feeling good!

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