
Monday 26 May 2014

Purchased: Don't wear hats on windy days

I have a massive problem with hats. I own a handful or so, but hardly ever get to wear them because the weather is so tempermental here, and there is usually at least one bout of extreme windy weather during the day. And I typically make bad decisions, and wear hats on the most extreme of these windy days. So I kind of purchased this ASOS hat really hestitantly, knowing I would probably wear it only once or twice in the winter months to come. Hashtag 'I make silly decisions when there is a 20% off sale.'

ASOS: Felt Fedora Hat, currently $29.41  (link)

I usually have a great experience with ASOS and have only had around 2 complaints in the past 4 or so years I've been purchasing from them. Usually this arises from a discrepancy between the photos provided on the site, and the actual quality/fit of the garments themselves. The fedora photographed above is pretty accurate to reality - although it's a lot wider brimmed on me than on the model. However, it's also quite stiff - the felt is not very pliable and I'm not too sure if it'll relax and become more 'floppy' as time goes on. I hope it does though, because the brim looks a lot nicer when it's relaxed rather than very stiff and awkward all around. I do love the pinched top though, and it seems like it'll go with a lot of clothes in my wardrobe.

PS: Sincere apologies for the crappy Photobooth photos, but my iPhone is atrocious when it comes to focusing and my camera charger has disappeared into Narnia or something. *bows out apologetically*

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